International Chocolate Bar Association

No humans have been harmed in the manufacture or testing

of any of the Chocolate products that we personally review or use.

A World Of Chocolate ~   Beyond The Milky Way And Mars!


Chocolate University

Chocolate And Cacao Recipes

Cocoon Apothecary

Chocolate Making

If you're still looking for that perfect Chocolate Ganache Recipe or want to improve on your range of chocolate dessert recipes, you are faced with two choices.  Improving your Chocolate Education either by attending classes, studying chocolate making from a friend or reading some excellent     books that detail making   chocolate in molds and making chocolate at home.

With the right    chocolate making equipment   everything is easier, and practice does make perfect.  To me it's easier to build on past successes in chocolate making and proceed as does my confidence level.

The other option is to continue to buy your  chocolate git baskets   and other chocolate indulgences.  Your schedule will play the most important part in whether you dig in and learn about chocolate making.  The right Chocolate tools make us all look better.  To your health!

                         Chocolate Gift Baskets

                         Cookie Bouquets

                         Love And Romance

Chocolate Making Tools

Find everything you need to make professional quality chocolates.   Shop for yourself or a special friend.


Chocolate Molds

Lots of great Chocolate Molds to select from, great for hand crafted soaps too     Chocolate Molds...


Chocolate Fountains & Fondue Pots

Find the perfect Fountain or Fondue Pot for your needs     Chocolate Fountains and Fondue...


Tempering and Melting Equipment

Find everything you need to melt and temper your Chocolates     Tempering and Chocolate Melting Pots...


Transfer Sheets

Find beautiful designs to make personalize your unique Chocolates     Transfer Sheets and supplies...


Chocolate Decorating & Misc

Find the little extras to improve your finished presentation     Chocolate Decorations...


Chocolate Bookstore

From beginners to professionals, a collection of my favorite     Making Chocolates Cookbooks....

Are you passionate about Chocolate and want to learn more?  This class may be just what you're looking for!

If the  Chocolate University Classes  sound appealing and look interesting to you, then we can offer you a special rate.  Just Bookmark us and come back for the savings.

Sign up for classes at a 25% discount

First month classes reduced to just $4.95

Organic Fresh Raspberry Truffles
Organic Fresh Raspberry Truffles
Organic Fresh Raspberry Truffles are made from fresh organic raspberries, pureed, then strained into a rich raspberry syrup. Then, we infuse this puree into a ganache in a dark chocolate shell. We then drizzle with white chocolate dyed a deep raspberry red by organic red beet cocoa butter. You'll love these! It's an explosion of raspberry in your mouth! Packaged in our gold Everyday Elegance box or other holiday box! This truffle is Gluten-Free.

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Copyright All Rights Reserved 2010 Toni Reita ND

Under the current FDA laws in the united States, it is illegal to make any medical claims for any health supplements or any other natural product.   This information is for educational purposes only and is not intended to make any medical claims, diagnose, treat, cure, prevent or mitigate any physical or mental condition, nor to prescribe any substance.  This site provides helpful natural information and is supported by compensation from quality advertisers and affiliate relationships.
