Cacao ( Theobroma cacao) ~ Known as the "The Food of the Gods."
Cacao contains a pharmacological and biochemical complexity unparalleled by any other jungle food source. Scientists date the use of cacao (also Cocoa) to at least 480 AD.
Cortes was possibly one of the first Europeans to taste chocolate in 1519 when the Aztec emperor Moctezuma greeted Cortes and his army in Mexico city with chocolatl! Cortes discovered the Aztecs popular bitter chocolate drink made with water, spices, ground cacao beans, honey & maize. Aztecs called chocolate xocoatl or cacahuatl.
Aztecs used luxury items including Cacao beans as currency. Wouldn't it be lovely to be paid in Chocolate? Montezuma had vaults loaded with Cacao beans.
Ancient Mayan and Aztec cultures knew that Chocolate increased energy, vitality, sexual prowess and bestowed wisdom on those who appreciated it. Only during modern times has chocolate gained a reputation as an unhealthy indulgence. The purpose of this website it to shatter the myths about Chocolate, help relieve your guilt for enjoying it's pleasurable benefits and to share as much information about Chocolate as possible!
Chocolate has more than 600 natural chemicals, 230 have known potential health benefits. Magnesium rich, a literal powerhouse of nutrients, including minerals such as Sulfur, Magnesium, Calcium, Potassium and Copper all help support your heart, brain, muscles. libido, immune system and bones.
More importantly Cacao is very rich in antioxidant bioflavonoids. Chocolate craving has a hedonistic appeal for the sensory characteristics, texture, aroma, taste & sensations. Such cravings are often episodic and fluctuate with hormonal changes, such as that time of the month, suggesting a hormonal link and possible gender specific nature of chocolate cravings. Men don't seem to get quite that same glazed over lustful look in their eyes when expelling the virtues of Chocolate. But, they do recognize, and appreciate it, when seen in their partners.
Here's the most important information....are you ready?
Per ounce, would you believe the wonderful news that dark chocolate actually has MORE antioxidants than fruits, vegetables, tea or wine?
Cacao contains four times the levels of catechins (a type of antioxidant) as black tea, a beverage often studied for its antioxidant activity. It's true!
According to recent research and clinical trials at Cornell University, just 1.5 oz of dark chocolate has as many antioxidants as 5 oz. of red wine.
Savor it! Crave it! Wear it! Massage with Chocolate and enrich your skin with it. Give it as a token of love, romance and pleasure. But by all means enjoy it! To your health!
You can even bathe in it! Chocolate Goat Milk Soap and body washes are like washing yourself with chocolate. Bathing has never felt so sinful and indulgent than with organic cocoa butter, goats milk and pure essential oils for a hint of aroma.
Emkpy your exploration into the world of Chocolate, have fun, experiment and know your chocolate well.
WARNING Do NOT let your dogs or cat eat any chocolate, it is POTENTIALLY DEADLY!
"A man is ethical only when life, as such, is sacred to him, that of plants and animals as that of his fellow men, and when he devotes himself helpfully to all life that is in need of help. ~Albert Schweitzer
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- Brownies
- This page is for Foodies who dream of Chocolate and who's conversation is laced with talk about Killer Brownies. The all American classic has grown up and now sports exciting recipes with cream cheese, Bacon and even Black Beans! We even have something for folks who are legally able to enjoy Hemp Brownies and other possibilities.
- Black Bean Brownies
- If you're trying to minimize your gluten exposure without breaking the bank, this simple, luscious Black Bean recipe will help you do it. If you don't tell anyone that your secret ingredient is a humble Black Bean, nobody will ever guess.
- Rawsome Brownies
- Eating more Raw Food is not only a healthy decision, it's delicious, fun and shows that fast food doesn't have to be false food served through your car's window. Rawsome Brownies will make you feel like a kid again!
- Espresso Brownies
- Eating more Raw Food is not only a healthy decision, it's delicious, fun and shows that fast food doesn't have to be false food served through your car's window. Rawsome Brownies will make you feel like a kid again!
- Pumpkin Cacao Brownies
- Pumpkin can be delcious when combined with chocolate and what a great way to actually cook your seasonal pumpkin and use it for Brownies.
- Hemp Brownies
- Hemp was so useful and important as a medicinal plant, and with numerous industrial uses, that the early American Colonists enacted a Virgina law in 1619 which required hemp production for all farmers. George Washington and Thomas Jefferson were respected American hemp farmers. This recipe can be made with Hemp containing THC or without.
- Cacao Nibs
- Cacao nibs are those versatile tiny delicacies that be sprinkled on anything to spice up your natural food, and they are a main ingredient in Chocolate making. Cacao Nibs are delicious in smoothies and Cacao Maca Balls. Cacao a super food that is also super deicious
- Cacao Sun Maca Balls
- With just four super foods you can create a healthy, quick snack, light breakfast or lunch. It just doesn't get any easier than this. If these foods are new to you, you'll be addicted with how delicious they taste and how much better you feel. Go ahead, be brave
- Cacao Meat And Poultry Rub
- Looking for something beyond Barbeque sauce for your meat or poultry dishes? Why not return to ancient traditions of blending raw Cacao with other spices
- Cacao Maca Smoothie
- Incuding raw food and super food in a healthy, filling smoothie just doesn't get any easier. If you have just one healthy meal a day in your transition to a new improved life, this will make a big impact. Inexpensive, quick and luscious. YES, you can eat chocolate for breakfast.
- Drenched In Chocolate
- If you're trying to minimize your gluten exposure without breaking the bank, this simple, luscious Black Bean recipe will help you do it. If you don't tell anyone that your secret ingredient is a humble Black Bean, nobody will ever guess.
- University Of Chocolate
- If you're a Chocoholic and interested in furthing your addiction and education, then these classes could be perfect for you. Who knows where this road may lead you
- Chocolate Making
- Are you an observer in the world of Chocolate, satisfying your indulgences by buying the best you can afford or have you burst from the sidelines into the realm of being an active participant and making your own chocolates fantasies? Either way, there is a healthy world of great chocolate waiting for you and having the right tools makes your life easier.
- Chocolate Butters
- The first secret to healthy skin is understanding the holistic relationship of healthy skin to your body and environment. If you're concerned about the health of your body, mind & spirit, then isn't it critical to know what you're putting on your body's largest organ? Your skin helps insulate and regulate your body temperature, it's full of blood vassals, nerve endings, sweat glands and is rich in natural, beneficial bacteria. Whether anyone admits it or not, we are often judged by the way we fit into and look in our skin. Why not indulge your skin in some almost magical Chocolate alchemy?
- Chocolate Skin Care
- Chocolate is the stuff that dreams are made of. It gives you nourishment, potent health benefits, and enriches and bathes your skin in sensual pleasure. Can anyone really be angry if there is chocolate nearby? Chocolate's chemical content provides a euphoric bliss and indulges and ignites all of your senses. Chocolate is a powerful, wonderful, healthy brain and heart food. Nothing could be easier than to create and enjoy your own chocolate skin care products, or chances are, someone else has already done the heavy lifting for you
- Cookies
- Gourmet Cookie Gift Baskets help save you time and energy when shopping for something unique, special and tasty, without having to risk burning your fingers in the kitchen. There are thoughtful Cookie gifts for every reason, some give you that great feel like a kid feeling again.
- Create Your Own Chocolate Therapy
- Discover what Chocolate and Raw Cacao can do to improve the appearance of your skin. Sacred Cacao has been used in the Americas for 2,600 years. Today, with just a few simple ingredients, you can whip up your own chocolate facials right in your own kitchen and enjoy the secrets of the ancients
- Chocolate Books
- Imagine the life memories that you can make for your family and friends with the simple, social act of cooking healthy chocolate desserts? If you're feeling particularly inspired why not consider Chocolate Wedding Cakes, or other decadent Chocolate desserts. You'll discover beautifully detailed books covering every aspect of the history of chocolate and sinfully rich chocolate desserts.
- Chocolate Shopping
- Chocolate shopping for yourself or sepecial chocolate lover friends is pure, raw fun. Here you can find the type of Chocolate that you prefer, Raw cacao, white chocolate and every type that you can imagine
- Shop By Ingredient
- Hard to imagine that Chocolate lovers could be fussy, I prefer to think of it as discriminating. Shop by Chocolate starting with Acai, to Cupuacu to Cayenne, add punch and zing to every bite.
- Shop By Occasion
- Chocolate is perfect for every occasion and touches everyone's heart even when it's a thoughful, creative gift. Somehow creativity and chocolate inspired gifts are almost as good as homemade decadent Chocolate.
- Shop By Gift
- Isn't it always great to save money, time and energy? Without giving up special moments in life, you can still let special people know that they are on your mind. Now you can make their lives a little sweeter when you shop by Chocolate Gift Type.
- Cookie Gifts
- Gourmet Cookie Gift Baskets help save you time and energy when shopping for something unique, special and tasty, without having to risk burning your fingers in the kitchen. There are thoughtful Cookie gifts for every reason, some give you that great feel like a kid feeling again.
- Cacao
- Cacao nibs are those versatile tiny delicacies that be sprinkled on anything to spice up your natural food, and they are a main ingredient in Chocolate making.
- Drenched In Chocolate
- If you're trying to minimize your gluten exposure without breaking the bank, this simple, luscious Black Bean recipe will help you do it. If you don't tell anyone that your secret ingredient is a humble Black Bean, nobody will ever guess.
- Chocolate Vendors
- We appreciate the creative selection of Chocolate essentials that help stock our pantry, and like everyone else, we want the best Chocolate at a reasonable price. We do business with these vendors and have never been disappointed with their ethics, selection, quality or prices.
- Chocolate Facts
- How much do you really know about Chocolate? Why not learn a fact or two about the super food that delights your senses, nourishes your skin, improves your circulation, and always puts you in a much better mood? Here are 36 Facts About Chocolate that you can dazzle your friends with.
- Candy Cane
- Have you ever wondered where the simple, festive Candy Cane originated? Is it just a simple Cinnamon or Peppermint flavored Christmas Candy, or is there more to the story? Some believe there is a much deeper significance.
- Chocolate Legends
- Sharing sweet Chocolate stories and Chocolate legends while nestled next to a crackling fire is one of life's sweet, simple moments, that should be savored like fine Chocolate. Chocolate legends and myths are timeless and are pssed down from generation to generation. This isn't a history lesson but a simple pleasure to share.
- Sephra
- Your simple Chocolate passion and Chocolate pleasures were once reserved for royalty, tributes, currency and sacred ceremonies. Today you can recreate the legendary Aztec Chocolate fountains in your own home.
- Easter Legends
- Discover the symbolism of the Easter Egg, and the legend surrounding the Easter Rabbit that fills millions of Easter baskets each year. Do you start eating the Eater bunny at the ears, or do you begin with the feet?
- Passover Legends
- Blended families are looking for ways to integrate their faiths. What better way to unite family and friends than through Chocolate? Kosher food does not have to be bland and lifeless.
- Free Chocolate Greeting Card
- Postcard Desk
- The Sweetest Day
- Isn't there something appealing about a special day for those less fortunate? While there is some skepticism that this day was truly about just being kind to those that need it the most, I'd like to hope that was it's origins. Aren't there many folks that could appreciate just a kind word or small token without any strings attached?
- Halloween
- Roaring Druid bonfires, chanting, dancing, drinking and brawling marks the pagan origins of Halloween. Today is it a kid event or do adults have the most fun dressing in outrageous costumes and acting silly? One thing is certain, there is more money spent on Halloween candy and sweets than any other holiday.
- Valentines Legends
- Valentines Day is the 4th most popular Chocolate Day, yet few of us know of it's rowdy origins. It has nothing to do with the Saint Valentines Day Massacre in Chicago and everything to do with Pagan rituals and ancient Romans.
- Sailors Valentine
- Lonley sea men often gathered sea shells to adorn their sweethearts gifts crafted with their rugged hands. This kept them fromn being drunken sailors.
- Mesoamerica
- Once reserved for sacred ceremonies, rituals and the Gods, Cacao was gifted to his beloved people by Quetzalcoatl. Cacao has been appreciated as a medicinal food for 2,600 years.
- Chocolate Terminology
- You already appreciate that healthy chocolate is not found at a gas station convenience store. The world of Chocolate is full of precise definitions, ingreidents and traditions. Whether you want to be a Cacao Snob, or just better understand the origins of common chocolate making terms, you'll find interesting Chocolate avenues to explore.
- Chocolate Festivals
- Chocolate Festivals are pure Nirvana for Chocolate Lovers and Chocolate Fiends! Finding like minded chocoholics and surrounding yourself in Chocolate sensations, all in one location, sharing chocolate bliss! Isn't it enough to make you delirious with pleasure? These wonderful Chocolate events are showing up everywhere, so you are not alone in your intimate association with Chocolate. Why not find a Chocolate Festival near you and enjoy yourself!.

| Brownies
| Books
| Bulk
| Chocolate Body Care
| Chocolate Covered
| Chocolate Fountains
| Chocolate Gift Baskets
| Chocolate Making
| Chocolate Planet
| Chocolate University
| Clever Cookie
| Cookie HQ
| Gnosis
| Gourmet Chocolate
| Gourmet Cookie Bouquet
| Hotel Chocolate
| Raw Food
| Romanicos
| Sephra
| Soap
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Copyright All Rights Reserved 2010 Toni Reita ND
Under the current FDA laws in the united States, it is illegal to make any medical claims for any health supplements or any other natural product. This information is for educational purposes only and is not intended to make any medical claims, diagnose, treat, cure, prevent or mitigate any physical
or mental condition, nor to prescribe any substance. This site provides helpful natural information and is supported by compensation from quality advertisers and affiliate relationships.